The AllieMarie Design Founder’s Story
One of my favorite compliments I’ve received from a client?
“You make branding human.”
It’s what I love to do– bringing you back to your why so your vision can shine through a brand that’s beautiful but also conveys warmth and a quality of timelessness. But I didn't get here overnight.
While this passion of mine has been the guiding light for building AllieMarie Design for years, it took me a while to identify and fully embrace it.
Let's rewind a bit, shall we?
A 2005 yearbook snapshot of me as a senior in high school, working on a newspaper layout.
The Early Years
Growing up, you could often find me hand-lettering quotes for my bedroom walls, scrapbooking, and piecing together collages from teen and fashion magazine cutouts for my middle school notebook covers (I’m not joking).
Later on, I served as an editor for my high school newspaper. Although I was doing my fair share of writing articles and headlines, I also discovered my natural eye for page design and creating well-organized layouts.
Scrapbooking, collages, newspaper layouts… looking back, what I really loved was putting puzzle pieces together to find the most visually appealing compositions. Although I didn’t have that fancy designer lingo at the time, of course.
I loved being creative in this way. (Hello! Here's your sign to be a designer!)
However, as I transitioned into college life at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, I initially pursued journalism. I quickly realized that journalism wasn’t for me and it finally dawned on me that graphic design would be a great fit for my strengths.
The idea of studying design ignited something in my creative roots. It just clicked.
So, I applied and got accepted into the College of Design at the U of MN and went after a dual degree, knowing it would take forever and a day to get through my undergrad. But it just felt right.
After getting through my senior year of design school and graduating in 2010 with a BA in graphic design and a BFA in journalism with a minor in French (WHEW!), I hit a crossroads.
The agency life I heard so much about in school didn't quite sing to me, and I struggled to find my own design aesthetic among my talented classmates.
Entering the professional world
I decided to blend my love for design and writing, diving headfirst into the world of marketing communications. From a short stint in the corporate world to a two-year gig at a nonprofit arts organization, I soaked up every bit of knowledge like a sponge. Juggling a gazillion hats at the nonprofit and having a boss with a strong marketing mind and eye for design taught me the ropes of project management, marketing strategy, and the crucial role design plays in a business's success.
Around the same time (in 2012), I dipped my toes into freelance waters, working with local mom-and-pop shops on design projects. I started saying "yes" to everything that fell in my lap, regardless of how small the project was. One of my first projects was designing a newspaper ad for a local co-op grocery store that I charged a whopping $50 for, which later led to me doing a rebrand for the store (the first full visual brand identity I designed!)
What started as a side hustle quickly gained momentum, thanks to referrals, word of mouth, and being dedicated to doing my best design work for every single project.
AllieMarie Design was officially born.
The more freelance projects I took on, the more I discovered that it wasn't just about the work; it was about cultivating connections and helping businesses make a bigger impact in the community.
During this time, I started to LOVE the idea of having control over my schedule, as well as the time freedom and flexibility it would provide me (both in that season of life and in the future when I had a family). I come from a family of entrepreneurs and although I’d never previously even considered starting a business, I did know who to turn to when I started entertaining the idea of taking steps toward building an actual business!
With a little encouragement from my entrepreneurial roots (thanks, Mom!), I took a leap. I left my non-profit job and started working for my mom’s bookkeeping firm for a couple years. She gave me the gift of flexibility, allowing me to decrease my hours with her firm as I built up my design client base, worked toward more sustainability, and comfortable cash flow.
Transitioning from part-time freelancing to full-blown entrepreneurship in 2015 was equal parts scary and exhilarating. And let me tell you, I haven't looked back since!
June 23, 2015: My first day as a full-time business owner
My brand + website in 2016. We all start somewhere :)
Since making this leap, my business has been through lots of evolution.
Numerous client requests for new logos led to creating branding packages, streamlining my processes, and eventually specializing in branding.
In fall of 2018, I launched Design Spirit, my self-paced online design course that is still alive today.
I started dabbling in website design, after getting endless requests from clients to be a “one stop shop.” I then let go of it completely to simplify my schedule after my kids were born. And now I’ve started opening myself up to it again recently… proof that you can pivot!
As my business grew and changed and matured, I rebranded my design studio to best align with who my ideal client was, all while trying to stay true to myself as well.
But you know what hasn’t changed?
I’ve always loved how design has such a greater impact on marketing.
Since 2012, I’ve worked with 100+ clients across industries. What they have in common is a desire to do good in the world and see their goods, products, and services help others. Even in very B2B settings, I specialize in creating warm, welcoming brands filled with nuance, driven by story, and rooted in meaning.
I can honestly say I’ve found my purpose in creating designs that effortlessly fit my clients, but also in educating them on how to easily implement our visual designs into their marketing strategy.
And you know what else really fuels me? Living in my priorities of family and sustainable business, finding harmony as a mama of two little ones - which is an ever-evolving thing that I feel so fortunate to have the flexibility to navigate.
My sweet fam in 2023 - Photo by Kristi Clinton
I'm still constantly learning and figuring out what works best for me, my family and my business. I love what I do, and love even more that being a designer means working with people I love, without compromising what I value in life.
Now, with two young kids, I work with one branding client at a time. I’m an established six-figure designer not because I take on tons of work but because I build client relationships, keep my offers streamlined, and always cultivate a pristine client experience.
Everything I do today as a designer and design mentor is from my 12+ years of experience as a business owner. My experience in the industry and wading through the "messy middle" of building a business is what ultimately led me to creating my mentorship program, Anchor + Grow. I’m living proof that you can design a thriving business that is also life-giving and spacious.
I'm truly honored to be able to provide services to my clients that allow them to do the same while generating a greater, enduring impact in their community through brand design and mentorship.
And it all started with that tween girl cutting and pasting magazine cutouts. ;)
Now, after 12+ years of AllieMarie Design, I hope I can continue to communicate that message to clients and non-clients alike:
There’s a story behind what you do, and you’re ready to share it with the world through a powerful brand identity that exudes your values.
You’re ready for a refined, timeless brand that will drive decisions, convey quality, and reach more of your kind of people.
By working with me, you’ll discover an uncommon level of quality and attention to detail. My process is honed, high-touch, and personalized. In my in-depth, holistic process, we’ll build a relationship. I’ll truly get to know your goals and dreams for your business.
Whether I support you in the branding process exclusively or you return again and again for ongoing graphic design support, I’m your design partner. It’s my joy to partner with and channel my creative energy into mission-driven businesses so they can make their best impact in the world.
If you're feeling a tug, contact me below to start our design partnership!