Welcome to Anchor + Grow!
I'm so excited that you’re here and ready to take some impactful next steps toward a more sustainable design business! Over the many years of running my design studio and on the rollercoaster that can be entrepreneurship, I’ve seen first hand how important it is to build a business that is both successful AND sustainable. In this audio course, I give you insights, systems and strategies to help you do just that, as well as simplify and streamline your design business so you can continue enjoying your design work, building relationships with your clients and spending your time (both in business and in your personal life) on what matters most.
My goal is for you to finally feel anchored in the structure and framework that you’ve intentionally put in place for your business. Trust me when I say that building this strong foundation will also make you feel more confident, and allow you to flourish and grow and enjoy the freedom that entrepreneurship allows you.

Lesson 1: Package Your Design Services
If you're finding yourself custom quoting every new project that comes your way and you're getting tired of it... this one is for you! In this lesson, I discuss helpful approaches and tips for creating design packages - one of my favorite solutions to that overwhelming-but-exciting growth you experience when your client base starts growing and you start to gain traction in your business.

Lesson 2: From Inquiry to Booked - Sign Clients with Ease
In this lesson, I give you a behind-the-scenes look at my simple, tried-and-true client inquiry process that has helped me remain booked out with my branding services year after year. Being thoughtful and intentional with the leads that are already in your inbox is a great opportunity to make an impression, position yourself as an expert and start building trust right away. I'm excited to help you elevate this process within your own design business!

Lesson 3: Simplify + Streamline for Growth
Over the years of running and growing my design studio, I've found ways to make things easier - the services I offer, to the systems and softwares I use, to communicating with my clients. In this lesson, I share how I stopped reinventing the wheel with every client and, instead, simplified and streamlined my business. Let's start working more efficiently, giving your clients an even better experience, and feeling more rooted in your day to day!

Lesson 4: Play the "Long Game" with Your Marketing
As I've experimented with my business marketing and I've learned two important things: 1.) relationship-based marketing is a must and 2.) investing in strategies that help you play the "long game" is KEY to creating a sustainable business. In this lesson, we dig into these approaches and 5 specific strategies that have helped my business grow steadily over time (hint: no social media involved).

Lesson 5: Create Better Boundaries
Do you find yourself feeling frustrated with projects, walked all over by clients, and maybe even a little growing resentment around your design business? I've been there. In this lesson, I'm sharing 3 important ways to create better boundaries so you can continue focusing on what's most important, do your best creative works, and experience more growth and groundedness in your business.

BONUS! Lesson 6: Fun Ways to Delight Your Design Clients
It's no secret that I'm a little obsessed with giving my clients a seamless and fun experience when we work together. The BONUS lesson includes 5 fun ways to delight your design clients and examples of how I work them into my own client experience.

Final Thoughts on Building a Sustainable Business
My friend, you’ve made it to the end of the Anchor + Grow audio course! In these final thoughts, I'm leaving you with some important reminders as you set out to implement what you've learned and create a truly sustainable business that aligns with your unique goals and desires.