Your Smartpress order is ready for you!
Here is some guidance on moving your order forward:
First, look for your Smartpress account credentials (username and password) in the email I sent you. Then, to place your print order:
1. // Log in at, click on the shopping cart icon in the upper right, and you'll see each project listed.
2. // Adjust quantities and details as necessary by clicking "Configuration" below the project name and “Change Configuration.” Scroll down and you’ll see the options that you can update. Make any changes you'd like and click "Update Cart" to save your changes.
NOTE: If you want to speed up the process and not receive PDF proofs from Smartpress before your designs are put into production, you may have the option to turn off this option by selecting “No Proof Needed” underneath the price. I’ve noticed they do require proofs for certain pieces (such as booklets), but you can bypass it most other cases.
3. // When everything looks good you can check out, fill out your payment and shipping info, then press submit! NOTE: New customers get 10% off by using the code NEWCUSTOMER — I already put that code in for you!
4. // If you selected to receive electronic PDF proofs, you'll receive an email asking you to review each design piece (usually within 1 business day). This is your last opportunity to double check all text, spelling, etc. before printing. If everything looks good, approve them and then they'll go into production! If anything looks off, let me know.
When you're ready to re-order in the future, just log in and go to your past orders under your account. It will lead you through the process of re-ordering. Super easy! Your print-ready PDFs are also included in your files, if you ever need to access them directly.
If you have any questions or run into any hiccups, just shoot me a message at